″Dale Aceptar 2012″ online!

Pablo García
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2012


We are very proud to announce the release of our latest project: Dale Aceptar 2012.

Dale Aceptar 2012

‘Dale Aceptar’ is part of a program run by Sadosky Foundation aimed at fostering IT vocations. Using their words:

It is an ambitious program, its objective is to interest high school students all over Argentina about the opportunities the ICT technology offers. The idea is that many students get interested in taking up their studies at universities or junior colleges within this orientation. We must remember that, currently, the ICTs sector suffers a lack of human resources, as the yearly number of graduates is unable to meet the companies’ requests.

The project itself consists in an programming and animation contest using Alice (or its Spanish counterpart Rebecca), an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. The students will have the opportunity to learn, have fun and win prizes.

We implemented this site using our Python/Django stack which includes several preinstalled applications like Memcached[ref]johnny-cache[/ref] to improve responsiveness and performance, JS and CSS unification and minification[ref]django-compressor[/ref] and fabric to automatize several tasks like deployments, backups and database migrations.

Additionally, a few Django apps where used for this project including django-cms to give the client an easy way to publish content to the site and pybb to implement forums and give the users a place to interact with each other.

So far, almost 14.000 high school students have registered in Dale Aceptar and are currently participating in the contest. If you know any student that might be interested in studying a ICT related career (perhaps he doesn’t know he might be interested), invite him to participate!

Visit us!

