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Software development as an art
devartis has been acquired by Nuvemshop!
I am pleased to announce that, at the beginning of 2022, we reached an agreement with Nuvemshop (aka Tiendanube) to acquire devartis’…
Germán Krauss
Mar 7, 2024
Java 8 Features
Java 8 Features
Or how to make your life easier
Ariel Debrouvier
Jan 14, 2021
devartis presents a new logo
devartis presents a new logo
We are a team of developers working for clients worldwide out of our offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We develop tools, apps and…
Fernando Aramendi
Dec 30, 2020
GraphQL — The end of serializers
GraphQL — The end of serializers
Has it ever happened to you that while developing an API, the response ended up being a very large json with a few nested objects?
Sebastian Blanco
Oct 9, 2020
Why would you build a scrapper?
Why would you build a scrapper?
According to Internet Live Stats in the present there are more than one and a half billion web pages. This implies that there is a lot of…
Agustin Payaslian
Aug 31, 2020
Learn programming: Reasons and resources
Learn programming: Reasons and resources
Learn how to have superpowers!
Alejandro Sobko
Mar 2, 2020
An introduction to Docker and Docker Compose
An introduction to Docker and Docker Compose
What is Docker? What is it for? And why do people mention the word “compose” sometimes?
Christian Digiorno
Feb 7, 2020
We craft web applications for great businesses.
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Database normalization: what is it and why do I need to know about it?
Database normalization: what is it and why do I need to know about it?
Trust me, you do need to know about it.
Dylan Alvarez
Jan 20, 2020
Testing and Designing Django Applications
Testing and Designing Django Applications
In this post we’re going to walk through on how to design Django applications with testing in mind. These concepts are not new by any…
Lucas Lavandeira
Dec 20, 2019
How to configure a PHP environment in 15 minutes
How to configure a PHP environment in 15 minutes
Gianluca Nativo
Oct 21, 2019
devartis Recognized as Leading Development Company in Argentina
devartis Recognized as Leading Development Company in Argentina
At devartis, we are passionate about our work. To us, development is an art form. Founded in 2010 in Buenos Aires, our agile methodology…
Gonzalo Bordanzi
Sep 30, 2019
How I used the visitor pattern to solve the Shunting Yard algorithm
How I used the visitor pattern to solve the Shunting Yard algorithm
Gonzalo Bordanzi
Aug 2, 2019
How we upgraded a 10 TB Elasticsearch cluster from 1.7 to 6.7
How we upgraded a 10 TB Elasticsearch cluster from 1.7 to 6.7
We have been using Elasticsearch since version 0.7.0 in an application used for social media analytics at Keepcon.
Germán Krauss
Jul 3, 2019
Sending real-time push notifications with Django, Celery and Redis
Sending real-time push notifications with Django, Celery and Redis
Easily improve communication with your users by delivering timely and relevant information.
Lucas Gilone
May 3, 2019
Custom select with Vue.js
Custom select with Vue.js
Understanding v-model by binding an object
Juli Colombo
Mar 28, 2019
2018 Recap, our work with tools for Argentina’s open data copublicacionmmunity
2018 Recap, our work with tools for Argentina’s open data copublicacionmmunity
A quick review of our year working with Argentina’s Modernization Secretariat in several open data tools.
Rafael Romero
Jan 31, 2019
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